We are pleased to share this first-year evaluation report for our Promoting Positive Family Interaction (PPFI) Demonstration Grant. The report provides an overview of lessons learned by POISE Foundation, grantee organizations, and participating families.
This past year has been one of tremendous learning and growth for the Foundation, as we wrestled with traditional paradigms of how foundations intentionally collaborate with organizations using a developmental evaluation approach. This evaluation method highlights our dedication to co-create, with our grantees, meaningful programming that is designed to equip families with innovative tools and resources for self-empowerment.
From the beginning of this journey nearly four years ago, we have been committed to documenting and sharing the evolution of our thinking and practice. We offer this report as the beginning of a promising strategy that we hope will have an indelible impact on Black families.
This report and our experience thus far, validate our belief that families are a core social institution and play a critical role in the community. We hope that, after you read this report, you are encouraged to incorporate a family-centered lens in your own organization or grantmaking portfolio.
POISE FOUNDATION, Two Gateway Center, Suite 1700, 603 Stanwix Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222